No Apologies is an updated version of Susanna Newcome’s signature apologetic work, An Enquiry into the Evidence of the Christian Religion,(1728). It also includes a full biography of Susanna, who appears to be one of the first published Christian female apologists in history. Although Enquiry was published anonymously, it garnered her much attention in the academic world at the time.
Susanna lived her life refusing to apologize for defending the truth and challenging the status quo of the day. She constantly kept those around her on their toes theologically, and openly critiqued any unbiblical ideology that crossed her path. She had a passion for truth, and her deep faith compelled her to challenge those who would lead astray the consciences of sincere but unlearned Christians. Susanna truly was a force to be reckoned with for the kingdom of God and we can learn much today from the spiritual courage of this formidable woman of the past. Her book, An Enquiry into the Evidence of the Christian Religion, is not only an answer to the “Christian Deism” of its day but is a valuable work of Christian Apologetics in its own right. At the time it was published, one of many glowing reviews stated, “We have no performance on the same subject that is so short, and at the same time so strong, perspicuous, and convincing. It would be no dishonor to the greatest Divine to be thought its author.”

Click below to purchase the printed version of No Apologies: The Life and Work of Susanna Newcome !
This book has been in the works since the summer of 2016, but it is finally finished! Check out some pics below from my research trip last summer (2019) in England. I learned so much about Susanna from visiting her father’s church in Wiltshire and St. John’s College where she lived in Cambridge.
For more info about the book, No Apologies: The Life and Work of Susanna Newcome, click below:
*All photos on this site were taken by Matt Enterline unless otherwise noted
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